Ingilizce present perfect tense

What are the present perfect tense?

The present perfect tense is a tense used in present to indicate the action that has taken place at some specific time. It uses auxiliary verb and past participle for the main verb i.e. verb + ed. Some examples of present perfect tense are – I have watched this movie before, He has completed his homework.

How do you use perfect tenses?

Perfect verb tense is used to show an action that is complete and finished, or perfected. This tense is expressed by adding one of the auxiliary verbs — have, has, or had — to the past participle form of the main verb. For example: I have seen the movie that was nominated for an Academy Award.

How do you make a present perfect question?

We form present perfect simple wh- questions with: Question word + have/has + subject + past participle?wh- questionsa2

  1. 'How much has he won? ' '£5,000! '
  2. I can't find my keys. Where have they gone?
  3. 'Why haven't you finished this work? ' 'I've been busy. '
  4. What have you made for dinner?

What is simple perfect?

The present perfect simple expresses an action that is still going on or that stopped recently, but has an influence on the present. It puts emphasis on the result.

What are the 10 examples of present perfect tense?

Examples of Present Perfect Tense

  • I have written articles on different topics.
  • He has read various kinds of books.
  • They have played football.
  • She has taken coffee.
  • He has gone to the library.
  • We have shopped in this market.
  • We have watched movies in this Cineplex.
  • You have shopped in that market.

What is present tense Give 5 example?

Bill writes the letters. Peter is coming to our place. Bob has given the book to Allen. I am going to the varsity.

What are the 3 perfect tense?

Verbs can appear in any one of three perfect tenses: present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect.

What are the 6 perfect tenses?

  • Present Perfect. I have called. we have called. has or have + past participle. you have called. you have called. …
  • Past Perfect. I had called. we had called. had + past participle. you had called. you had called. …
  • Future Perfect. I will have called. we will have called. will + have + past participle. you will have called.

How long is present perfect example?

We often use for and since with perfect tenses: We use for to talk about a period of time: five minutes, two weeks, six years….For and Since with Present Perfect tense.

4 years1994
2 centuries1800
a long timeI left school
everthe beginning of time

What is an example of a perfect tense?

Perfect tense talks about those actions that are already done/completed in the time while we are speaking about them. For example, “Ira had gone to the movies.” Here, 'had gone' refers that Ira already went to the movies in the past, and the action is already completed while we are speaking about it.


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