Makinist christian bale

Why is Trevor so thin in The Machinist?

Trevor Reznik is a machinist whose insomnia has led to him becoming emaciated. His appearance and behavior keep his coworkers away, and they eventually turn against him when he is involved in an accident, which causes his coworker, Miller, to lose his left arm.

How did Christian lose weight for The Machinist?

His diet consisted of one can of tuna and an apple per day. His 63-pound weight loss is said to be a record for any actor for a movie role. He regained the weight in time for his role in Batman Begins (2005).

What is the story behind The Machinist?

In short, The Machinist is the story of Trevor, a well-to-do guy, who happens to be driving carelessly one day trying to light his cigarette. Failing to notice a red light, he runs over and kills a little boy. Seeing the boy's mother distracted in shock and agony, Trevor makes a run for it.

Is The Machinist scary?

There are certainly frightening, gruesome moments to this movie but neither is it a horror movie: instead it's a creepy psychological thriller with some superb acting from Christian Bale, who is at his best when cast as tormented anti-heroes.

What mental disorder does Trevor have in The Machinist?

The film pushes the idea that his hallucinations are secondary to extreme insomnia, however there is evidence that he sleeps frequently without realizing it. Eventually it is revealed that Trevor's problems stem from likely post-traumatic stress disorder with dissociative amnesia.

Why does The Machinist have insomnia?

In the movie The Machinist, the character Trevor Reznik suffers from primary insomnia as a result of his guilt. In addition to his guilt, anxiety, stimulants, and irregular sleeping patterns also contribute to his inability to sleep.

Is The Machinist diet safe?

Speaking to Esquire UK, Harley Street health expert Daniel O'Shaughnessy explains that "this is less than 200 calories per day, so it's not healthy at all. An extreme diet like this will play havoc with your metabolism and cause a lot of stress on the body."

Why did Trevor wash his hands with bleach?

He cannot get over the crime he committed as it constantly haunts him, meaning he lives his life with his hands "dirty." He constantly washes his hands with bleach to try to clear his conscience, but even the bleach doesn't remove the stain that has led him to psychopathy.

What is the twist in The Machinist?

The Machinist But all of a sudden no one at the diner knows who Maria is. What's going on? The twist: Well… it turns out a year ago Trevor killed a child in a hit-and-run accident that was witnessed by the child's mother.

Why does Trevor wash his hands with bleach?

He cannot get over the crime he committed as it constantly haunts him, meaning he lives his life with his hands "dirty." He constantly washes his hands with bleach to try to clear his conscience, but even the bleach doesn't remove the stain that has led him to psychopathy.


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